Aggravate - определение. Что такое Aggravate
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Что (кто) такое Aggravate - определение

·vt To make heavy or heavier; to add to; to Increase.
II. Aggravate ·vt To give coloring to in description; to Exaggerate; as, to aggravate circumstances.
III. Aggravate ·vt To Exasperate; to Provoke; to Irritate.
IV. Aggravate ·vt To make worse, or more severe; to render less tolerable or less excusable; to make more offensive; to Enhance; to Intensify.
¦ verb
1. make (a problem, illness, etc.) worse.
2. informal annoy (someone).
aggravating adjective
aggravatingly adverb
aggravation noun
C16 (earlier (C15) as aggravation): from L. aggravat-, aggravare 'make heavy'.
Aggravate in the sense 'annoy' is in widespread use in modern English and dates back to the 17th century, but the use is still regarded as incorrect by some traditionalists.
v. a.
Heighten (in evil), increase, make worse, worsen, render more serious.
Exaggerate, overstate, magnify, color.
(Of questionable propriety.) Provoke, irritate, exasperate, enrage, tease.


Примеры произношения для Aggravate
1. but that can aggravate your low mood.
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2. Now, just don't aggravate your knee.
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3. But it will aggravate the situation.
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4. There's so many things that aggravate me and make
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5. So I know what's going to aggravate people,
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Примеры употребления для Aggravate
1. Multigenerational households can aggravate tensions, Cherlin says.
2. "We have no desire to aggravate diplomatic relations.
3. "We are against any actions that will aggravate the situation.
4. Small, fine movements tend to aggravate more than larger movements.
5. The war of words will only aggravate the situation.